On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 08:13:38PM +0100, Laurent GUERBY wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 09:09 -0800, Joe Buck wrote:
> > Agreed; if there is no change there is no information content, and
> > the list could be overwhelmed with messages that are near-duplicates.
> > I suppose you could do comparisons of the .sum files to determine if
> > there has been a change.
> There's the information that the CFARM build succeeded and that there is
> no regression on the new revision. Not sending an email would mean
> you cannot distinguish between a failed build, a not working CFARM and
> everything is fine (by looking only at gcc-testresults).

Right, but gcc-testresults is not cfarm-status, it's gcc-testresults.

That information could be presented somewhere else, like with Mozilla's
Tinderbox system.  A web page could be kept updated with the latest
revision number that built successfully, together with a summary of the
latest tests.

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