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Arnaud Charlet wrote:
> In your world, everyone has an up-to-date version of every tool,
> and have e.g. the latest OpenSSH and subversion clients installed
> on his machine. In mine, this is clearly far from being the case:
> no svn installed, and a 3.x openssh.
> So with this world in mind, this is clearly not 3 minutes that are needed
> to get the right set up.
> Same for saying "this will be improved in the next version of svn".
> It is assuming that upgrading versions of svn clients for people is a no
> cost operation, which is again not the case in practice.

You can certainly download the latest and the greatest version
of the required software and install it into a private
folder, say, "$HOME/wombat". This is not idle speculation, mind
you. This is exactly how I personally tested out the SVN
repository. The downloading, building and installation of
OpenSSL, OpenSSH and SVN (all latest stable versions) took
around 15 minutes and an "export PATH=$HOME/wombat/bin:$PATH"
later, I was ready to go.

This was Linux running on a P4 2.4GHz and your mileage
will most likely vary.

> And maybe if svn 1.4 will improve such important improvements, it would
> be a good idea to wait till svn 1.4 is outt so that people do not have to
> upgrade multiple times to get "the expected" behavior.

This is a point that I too would like to second.
- From what I read on this list, a stable SVN 1.4.x
is when a lot of barriers to SVN adoption would
be removed.

I'm not opposed per se to the shift to SVN, but
I sincerely feel that it is a *little* too early.


- --
Ranjit Mathew      Email: rmathew AT gmail DOT com

Bangalore, INDIA.    Web: http://ranjitmathew.hostingzero.com/

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