On Oct 20, 2005 12:11 PM, Arnaud Charlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And maybe if svn 1.4 will improve such important improvements, it
> would
> be a good idea to wait till svn 1.4 is outt so that people do not have
> to
> upgrade multiple times to get "the expected" behavior.

By then, I'm sure, people will find something else to complain about to
stop us from making the move.  For me SVN works just fine right now, and
I think for most people it does.

> Also remember that the vast majority of people accessing the cvs tree
> have
> not even started looking at svn, so I am sure many more issues will
> come.

The change was announced months ago.  People could have looked at svn in
the mean time.  So this argument is moot.

> - getting more feedback from as much people as possible (and saying
> "reminder:
> the switch will occur in a week" was relatively effective at that ;-)
> - getting as much improvements in svn 1.4 as possible
> - switch when 1.4.x is out and considered stable enough so that people
> can use it heavily

This smells like the "committee approach" ;-)


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