On Sat, 2005-07-16 at 23:23 +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote: > Daniel Berlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > | > | There is no point in type qualifiers if they can be simply changed at > | > | will. Do not lie about your objects, and you will not be screwed over. > | > > | > only if the language you're implementing the compiler for says so, no > | > matter what nifty transformation you could have done. > | > > | > | Except that nobody seems to agree that is what the language actually > | says. > > The way I see it is that people who designed and wrote the standard > offer their view and interpretation of of they wrote and some people > are determined to offer a different interpretation so that they can > claim they are well-founded to apply their transformations.
It's nice of you to characterize it in such divisive and confrontational terms. You make it sound like the standard is crystal clear on this issue, and everyone who disagrees with your viewpoint are just slimeballs trying to get around the clear wording of the standard. And if you don't mean to sound like that, you sure need to be more careful, because it sure sounds like that to me.