On Sat, 2005-07-16 at 23:23 +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote: > Daniel Berlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > | > | There is no point in type qualifiers if they can be simply changed at > | > | will. Do not lie about your objects, and you will not be screwed over. > | > > | > only if the language you're implementing the compiler for says so, no > | > matter what nifty transformation you could have done. > | > > | > | Except that nobody seems to agree that is what the language actually > | says. > > The way I see it is that people who designed and wrote the standard > offer their view and interpretation of of they wrote and some people > are determined to offer a different interpretation so that they can > claim they are well-founded to apply their transformations.
I'm sorry, i have a hard time believing the view of what amounts so far to 2 people is that of the standard committee. After all, if the standard is really that unclear, someone could file a DR and we could get an official answer. We both know that standards committees are not made up of 1 or 2 people, and saying "people who designed and wrote the standard offer their view and interpretation of of they wrote " is not useful when they do not actually speak for the committee. --Dan