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From: Jérôme Nicolle <jer...@ceriz.fr>
To: frnog@frnog.org
Subject: Re: [FRnOG] [TECH] Câbles sous-marins
Date: 01/24/2025 13:40:55 Europe/Paris

Hello Rodrick,

Le 21/01/2025 à 15:50, Roderick Beck a écrit :
> I am looking for the French government licensing decisions online.

The process is tedious and involves several administrative agencies.

With the current trend of sabotages aimed at submarine infrastructure, 
most of these agencies are more than reluctant to share any information 
whose publicity is not strictly mandated.

License to operate is not a requirement any more in France.

Creation of a Beach Manhole is handled by DREAL for :
- Compliance with "Loi Littoral"
- Public inquiries
- Ultimately permission and fees to install on the coastline

Then your need a almost standard construction permit for the CLS. It is 
handled at the municipal level but may also require declarations or even 
permit for larger installations due to the handling of fuel and 
emissions from the generators, these are called ICPE and are handled at 
the department / regional level. Also there's usually concerns about the 
noise interference with wild species or residents in the area.

Then you need to hook to the power grid. For a small CLS, you'd ask 
ENEDIS or their local counterpart to create a 400V or 20KV connection, 
preferably with two distinct feeds in coastal areas prone to weather 
events or submersion risks. That takes about 2 years

Laying ducts between the BMH and the CLS is the easy part : ask the 
municipal government for a "Permission de Voirie", also licence to use 
the "Domaine Public Routier", if you ever have to follow or cross public 
roads. some are on the municipal level, some at the department level, 
some handled by regional entities. The pavement, if any, can be 
municipal while the main road is departemental. Then hire a local 
contractor to handle the "Arrêtés de Circulation" and actual 
construction work. Existing Permissions de Voirie can be obtained 
through the DT/DICT process, where every licensee is invited to share 
its maps for the municipality. Some don't answer, YMMV.

Now for the wet plant itself, it also depends because of natural 
reserves, ammunition deposits, fishing rights, wrecks… Some consultancy 
firms specialise in sorting this out. Close to no public records of each 

If your goal is mostly to gather information, beware it's costly and 
most documents will come from contractors and owners, not from the 
administration. So you'll need to be introduced into this small - but 
global - market.

If you want to build one yourself, then the entire process in 
continental France and oversea regions takes about 6 years. Can be as 
low as 4 if you're lucky.

Some French islands have different rules. There it's more like 2 years. 
I'm currently starting such one, with the BMH site survey scheduled on 

If you want to know more, there's a conference in London on the 18th and 
19th February, "Submarine Networks EMEA", on these exact topics. I have 
a few remaining speaker guest pass available if needed.

Hope this helps !

Best regards,

Jérôme Nicolle
+33 6 19 31 27 14
+590 690 22 87 14

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