Hi Ben,

I checked mris_label2annot implementation. It seems that it is expecting the 
label files as [hemi].[label-name].label in –ldir directory. The label-name 
needs to match what is specified in your LUT.

If you would like to see if it works, it might be a good idea to create a new 
directory and put just a couple of renamed label files there.

Hope this helps.


From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 11:11 AM
To: Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] vertex out of range mris_label2annot

        External Email - Use Caution
Oh apologies for the crossed-wires

Sure, command:

mris_label2annot  --s sub-DAEK \
--hemi lh \
--a yeo2011nodes \
--maxstatwinner  \
--ldir /mnt/c/Users/Ben/freesurfer/subjects/sub-DAEK/label/li2019_labels


[Image removed by 
Virus-free. MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be 

On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 11:08 AM Huang, Yujing 
<yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Sorry, I meant the command that you ran with --ldir flag and generated empty 
annotation file.

 On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 10:58 AM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] vertex out of range mris_label2annot

        External Email - Use Caution
Hi Yujing,

Sure thing.

Full command:

mris_label2annot  --s sub-DAEK --hemi lh --ctab 
 --a yeo2011nodes --maxstatwinner --l Net_10_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_11_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_11_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2  --l Net_12_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_12_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_12_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_12_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_13_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_13_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_13_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_13_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_13_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_13_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_13_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_13_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_13_ROIs_5_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_14_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_14_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_14_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_14_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_14_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_14_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_14_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_14_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_14_ROIs_5_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_14_ROIs_5_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_15_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_15_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_16_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_16_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_16_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_16_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_16_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_17_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_17_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_17_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l 
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Net_17_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_18_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_18_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_18_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_18_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_18_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_18_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_18_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_18_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_18_ROIs_5_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_19_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_19_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_2_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_2_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_2_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_2_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_3_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_3_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
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Net_4_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_4_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_5_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_5_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_5_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_5_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_5_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_5_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_5_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_5_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_6_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_6_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_6_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_6_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_6_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_6_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_7_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_7_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_7_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_7_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_7_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_8_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l 
Net_8_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_8_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2 --l 
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Net_9_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2 --l Net_9_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2 --l 
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Net_9_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2 --l Net_9_ROIs_5_rh_native_dil2 --l 

You might need my LUT also----See attached. --I can also send you the label 
files if you need me to.

Thanks for your help!

[Image removed by 
Virus-free. MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be 

On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 10:33 AM Huang, Yujing 
<yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Can you provide the full command that you were having trouble? I would like to 
see if I can reproduce here.


 On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 10:11 AM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] vertex out of range mris_label2annot

        External Email - Use Caution
Oh, that makes sense, as my --hemi flag is lh.

However, when I run the same command with --ldir and the ctab LUT the --ldir 
flag doesn't ID any of my label files. Therefore, I have to provide the --l 
flags, otherwise it just creates an empty annotation file.


[Image removed by 
Virus-free. MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from 
"secure-web.cisco.com" claiming to be 

On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 8:57 AM Huang, Yujing 
<yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
Hi Benjamin,

The error indicates that a label in Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label has 
vertex 254077 that is outside lh.orig.

I’m wondering how you created those label files.



 On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 4:06 PM
To: Freesurfer support list 
Subject: [Freesurfer] vertex out of range mris_label2annot

        External Email - Use Caution
Hi freesurfer experts,

I am attempting to create a custom annotation file with the following LUT and 

mris_label2annot  --s sub-DAEK --hemi lh \
--ctab sub-DAEK_yeoLUT.txt \
--a yeo2011nodes \
--maxstatwinner \
--l  Net_10_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label \
--l  Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label \
--l  Net_11_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label \
--l  Net_11_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label \
--l  Net_12_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label \
--l  Net_12_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label \
--l  Net_12_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label \
.....many other labels


0 Unknown 0 0 0 0
1 Net_10_ROIs_1_lh_native 5   5   5   0
2 Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native 25  5   25  0
3 Net_11_ROIs_1_lh_native 25  100 40  0
4 Net_11_ROIs_1_rh_native 70  130 180 0
5 Net_12_ROIs_1_lh_native 100 100 0   0
6 Net_12_ROIs_1_rh_native 196 58  250 0
.....many others

However, when I run the above command it breaks with the following issue:

Reading ctab sub-DAEK_yeoLUT.txt
Number of ctab entries 104

cwd /mnt/c/Users/Ben/freesurfer/subjects/sub-DAEK/label/li2019_labels
cmdline mris_label2annot --s sub-DAEK --hemi lh --ctab sub-DAEK_yeoLUT.txt --a 
yeo2011nodes --maxstatwinner --l Net_10_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_11_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_11_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_12_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_12_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_12_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_12_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_13_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_13_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_13_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_13_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_13_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_13_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_13_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_13_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_13_ROIs_5_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_14_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_14_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_14_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_14_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_14_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_14_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_14_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_14_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_14_ROIs_5_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_14_ROIs_5_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_15_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_15_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_16_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_16_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_16_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_16_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_16_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_17_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_17_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_17_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
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Net_17_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_18_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_18_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_18_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_18_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_18_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_18_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_18_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_18_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_18_ROIs_5_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_19_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_19_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_2_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_2_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_2_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_2_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_3_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_3_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_3_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_3_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_3_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_3_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_4_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_4_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
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Net_5_ROIs_4_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_5_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
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Net_7_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_7_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_7_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_8_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l 
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Net_9_ROIs_1_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_9_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_9_ROIs_2_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_9_ROIs_2_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_9_ROIs_3_lh_native_dil2.label --l Net_9_ROIs_3_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
Net_9_ROIs_4_rh_native_dil2.label --l Net_9_ROIs_5_rh_native_dil2.label --l 
sysname  Linux
hostname LAPTOP-LPS9CH5E
machine  x86_64
user     bdeck8317

subject sub-DAEK
hemi    lh
SUBJECTS_DIR /mnt/c/Users/Ben/freesurfer/subjects
ColorTable sub-DAEK_yeoLUT.txt
AnnotName  yeo2011nodes
nlables 104
LabelThresh 0 0.000000
Loading /mnt/c/Users/Ben/freesurfer/subjects/sub-DAEK/surf/lh.orig
 1 328965 Net_10_ROIs_1_lh_native
 2 1639705 Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native
WARNING: vertex 210080 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 210124 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 210125 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 210151 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 210172 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 210173 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 211157 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
WARNING: vertex 211158 maps to multiple labels! (overwriting)
ERROR: Net_10_ROIs_1_rh_native_dil2.label, n=9538, vertex 254077 out of range

Any thoughts on the fix for this issue?


Benjamin L. Deck
Doctoral Student
Applied Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Drexel University

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Benjamin L. Deck
Doctoral Student
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Benjamin L. Deck
Doctoral Student
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Drexel University
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