Anyone have any thoughts on this?

On 09/21/2016 04:18 PM, Joel Bruss wrote:
> I have two subjects, subA and subB.  subA has a binary ROI mask, native
> space, that I'd like to place in subB's native space. Both subjects have
> been run through all stages of recon, edited, etc. Is there a better or
> easier way to achieve this than what I've run?:
> #Resample the native space binary ROI file into "brainmask" space
> mri_convert -rl /subA/mri/brainmask.mgz -rt nearest --no_scale 1
> ROI.nii.gz /subA/mri/ROI.mgz
> #Convert ROI file into a label
> mri_cor2label --id 1 --c /subA/mri --i ROI.mgz --l ROI.label
> #Move label from subA to subB
> mri_label2label --srcsubject subA --srclabel /subA/mri/ROI.label
> --trgsubject subB --trglabel /subB/mri/ROI_to_subB.label --regmethod volume
> #Convert warped ROI label to a volume
> mri_label2vol --label /subB/mri/ROI_to_subB.label \
> --subject subB \
> --temp brainmask.mgz \
> --regheader brainmask.mgz \
> --o /subB/mri/ROI_to_subB.mgz
> #Convert the volume back to native subB space
> mri_convert -rl subB_native.nii.gz -rt nearest --no_scale 1
> /subB/mri/ROI_to_subB.mgz ROI_to_subB_native.nii.gz
> A few follow-up questions:
> 1) When running mri_label2label, is better to use surface or volume for
> the "regmethod"?  Which method will give me a better fit for my output?
> 2) The output I'm getting looks striped (there are holes in the binary
> mask) and doesn't quite fit the anatomy (the final file is shifted up
> and away from where I would expect it to be although in the general
> vicinity of what I would expect).  It's almost as if I've chosen a wrong
> target or file along the way.  I don't expect the fit to be perfect, but
> did I do something wrong?
> Thanks in advance to any and all replies.
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