Dear Experts, I am trying to use Freeview to view volumes using the command 
listed on the website: but the only volume 
that loads is the aseg.  I am not able to load the T1, wm, or brainmask mgz’s . 
either from the terminal or through the FreeView gui. I am using Freesurfer 5.3 
and have downloaded XQuarz on a Mac OSX Lion 10.7.5 workstation.Below is the 
command I am using and the terminal output. I would very much appreciate any 
help or insight.cheers,cat
Below is my command: freeview -v \C1023_out/mri/T1.mgz \C1023_out/mri/wm.mgz 
\C1023_out/mri/brainmask.mgz \C1023_out/mri/aseg.mgz:colormap=lut:opacity=0.2 
\-f C1023_out/surf/lh.white:edgecolor=blue 
\C1023_out/surf/lh.pial:edgecolor=red \C1023_out/surf/rh.white:edgecolor=blue 
\C1023_out/surf/rh.pial:edgecolor=red  Terminal error: Freeview[4393:703] 
invalid drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid 
drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid 
drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid 
drawableFreeview[4393:703] invalid 
drawablemghRead(/Volumes/home/Documents/xx/C1023_out/mri/T1.mgz, -1): read 
errormghRead(/Volumes/home/Documents/xx /C1023_out/mri/T1.mgz, -1): read 
errorMRIread failed: Unable to read from /Volumes/home/Documents/xx 
/C1023_out/mri/T1.mgzmghRead(/Volumes/home/Documents/xx /C1023_out/mri/wm.mgz, 
-1): read errorMRIread failed: Unable to read from /Volumes/home/Documents/xx 
/C1023_out/mri/wm.mgzmghRead(/Volumes/home/Documents/xx /C1023_out/mri/wm.mgz, 
-1): read errormghRead(/Volumes/home/Documents/xx/C1023_out/mri/brainmask.mgz, 
-1): read error  MRIread failed: Unable to read from 
 -1): read error
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