Hi Doug,

The command line is mri_glmfit --y lh.t.15.mgh --fsgd t.txt dods --C t1.txt
--surface fsaverage lh --cortex --fwhm 15 --glmdir lh.t.15.glmdir

I am doing a whole hemisphere analysis and am measuring cortical thickness.
I do not have my own mask but I have doubts about the mask that has been
produced because from previous studies, there has been significant thinning
in the area around the hippocampus and parts of it are being left out in
the mask, such as the para-hippocampal region.



On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>wrote:

> The residual FWHM is measured from the data itself. You apply a certain
> amount of smoothing, but there is already some smoothness to the data, so
> the final fwhm is a combination of what is already there and what you
> apply. A fwhm of 47 is huge and may indicate that something is wrong. What
> is the input? cortical thickness? Are you using your own mask or is this a
> whole hemisphere analysis?
> doug
> On 6/2/13 10:29 PM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
> Hello Doug,
> Thank you for your quick replies to my queries. Really appreciate it.
> I have found the files containing the cortical thickness values. Thank
> you. I assume that the order in which they follow are based on the fsgd
> file and the cluster annotation numbers.
> I was just slightly confused about the residual fwhm. I have already done
> a smoothing of 15 on the file and have recieved a residual value of 47,
> which I assume is extremely large. Since I'm finding out values for the
> entire cortex I cannot do a glmfit-sim as there are no fwhm cache values of
> 47. Could you please tell me what the residual values mean?  What do you
> recommend I do? Is there anything I can read up on to find out more about
> this? (Please pardon my questions if they seem a little trivial)
> Thank you
> Joshua
> On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Douglas Greve 
> <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>wrote:
>> This file is always created by mri_glmfit-sim. It might be named
>> something different depending on your parameters (should always end in
>> y.ocn.dat)
>> doug
>> On 6/2/13 3:57 AM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>>  This file that your saying, will be created after glmfit-sim is done
>> using the cache function and a threshold of 1.3 and absolute ,with y being
>> the fsgd file? Am I understanding this correctly?
>>  Thank you
>>  Joshua
>> On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Douglas N Greve <
>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> There should be a file called something like cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat.
>>> This will have a column for each cluster and a row for each subject. The
>>> value in the row will be the input for each subject.
>>> doug
>>> On 05/30/2013 11:21 PM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
>>> > Hello everyone,
>>> >
>>> > Please pardon my rather simple question
>>> >
>>> > I have done a GLM fit anlysis and have obtained a file sig.mgh alonf
>>> > with a few others after the analysis.As I know, I do not have to
>>> > create ROIs in order to do this. I also understand that doing a
>>> > multiple comparison analysis just compares the regions of importance
>>> > and evaluates them giving the most resilient cluster depending on the
>>> > threshold. So, this does not give a thickness estimate. I would like
>>> > to know how do I get the cortical thickness values from the results?
>>> > If so, can I do it after glmfit?
>>> >
>>> > And thanks Doug for your help in the other questions that I had prior
>>> > to this!
>>> >
>>> > Thank you
>>> >
>>> >
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>>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>>> MGH-NMR Center
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