Hello Doug,

Each individuals subject data has already been smoothed by 5 10 15 20 and
25 through the qache function during the initial processing.

I'm a little confused now. I thought that the mri_preproc would use the
non-smoothed values of the subjects and create an mgh file. After which I
smooth the mgh file and then use mri_glmfit to analyse it according to the

If the above is not the case and the subject data has already been
smoothed, then what should I do if I wish my final mgh file to have a
smoothing value of 15 before doing a glmfit on it?

Thank you,


On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 12:40 AM, Joshua deSouza

> Hello Doug,
> Each individuals subject data has already been smoothed by 5 10 15 20 and
> 25 through the qache function during the initial processing.
> I'm a little confused now. I thought that the mri_preproc would use the
> non-smoothed values of the subjects and create an mgh file. After which I
> smooth the mgh file and then use mri_glmfit to analyse it according to the
> contrasts.
> If the above is not the case and the subject data has already been
> smoothed, then what should I do if I wish my final mgh file to have a
> smoothing value of 15 before doing a glmfit on it?
> Thank you,
> Joshua
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 11:13 PM, Douglas Greve 
> <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>wrote:
>> Hi Joshua, when you add --fwhm 15 to the command line you are instructing
>> mri_glmfit to smooth by 15mm. Is this what you want?  Or is the data
>> already smoothed?
>> doug
>> On 6/3/13 12:26 AM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> The command line is mri_glmfit --y lh.t.15.mgh --fsgd t.txt dods --C
>> t1.txt --surface fsaverage lh --cortex --fwhm 15 --glmdir lh.t.15.glmdir
>> I am doing a whole hemisphere analysis and am measuring cortical
>> thickness. I do not have my own mask but I have doubts about the mask that
>> has been produced because from previous studies, there has been significant
>> thinning in the area around the hippocampus and parts of it are being left
>> out in the mask, such as the para-hippocampal region.
>> Regards
>> Joshua
>> On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 10:54 AM, Douglas Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> > wrote:
>>> The residual FWHM is measured from the data itself. You apply a certain
>>> amount of smoothing, but there is already some smoothness to the data, so
>>> the final fwhm is a combination of what is already there and what you
>>> apply. A fwhm of 47 is huge and may indicate that something is wrong. What
>>> is the input? cortical thickness? Are you using your own mask or is this a
>>> whole hemisphere analysis?
>>> doug
>>> On 6/2/13 10:29 PM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
>>> Hello Doug,
>>> Thank you for your quick replies to my queries. Really appreciate it.
>>> I have found the files containing the cortical thickness values. Thank
>>> you. I assume that the order in which they follow are based on the fsgd
>>> file and the cluster annotation numbers.
>>> I was just slightly confused about the residual fwhm. I have already
>>> done a smoothing of 15 on the file and have recieved a residual value of
>>> 47, which I assume is extremely large. Since I'm finding out values for the
>>> entire cortex I cannot do a glmfit-sim as there are no fwhm cache values of
>>> 47. Could you please tell me what the residual values mean?  What do you
>>> recommend I do? Is there anything I can read up on to find out more about
>>> this? (Please pardon my questions if they seem a little trivial)
>>> Thank you
>>> Joshua
>>> On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 11:33 PM, Douglas Greve <
>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>> This file is always created by mri_glmfit-sim. It might be named
>>>> something different depending on your parameters (should always end in
>>>> y.ocn.dat)
>>>> doug
>>>> On 6/2/13 3:57 AM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>  This file that your saying, will be created after glmfit-sim is done
>>>> using the cache function and a threshold of 1.3 and absolute ,with y being
>>>> the fsgd file? Am I understanding this correctly?
>>>>  Thank you
>>>>  Joshua
>>>> On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Douglas N Greve <
>>>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>>>> There should be a file called something like cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat.
>>>>> This will have a column for each cluster and a row for each subject.
>>>>> The
>>>>> value in the row will be the input for each subject.
>>>>> doug
>>>>> On 05/30/2013 11:21 PM, Joshua deSouza wrote:
>>>>> > Hello everyone,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Please pardon my rather simple question
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have done a GLM fit anlysis and have obtained a file sig.mgh alonf
>>>>> > with a few others after the analysis.As I know, I do not have to
>>>>> > create ROIs in order to do this. I also understand that doing a
>>>>> > multiple comparison analysis just compares the regions of importance
>>>>> > and evaluates them giving the most resilient cluster depending on the
>>>>> > threshold. So, this does not give a thickness estimate. I would like
>>>>> > to know how do I get the cortical thickness values from the results?
>>>>> > If so, can I do it after glmfit?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > And thanks Doug for your help in the other questions that I had prior
>>>>> > to this!
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thank you
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
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