Not sure whether anyone'd seen my last email (below). Again apologies for
the multitude of questions, I hope this is the last batch for this

On 12 May 2013 16:45, Tudor Popescu <> wrote:

> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I very much appreciate your help with an additional set of questions. I
> feel I'm really close to getting this finished :)
> 1) In a design with group and gender as discrete factors and age as a
> continuous factor, why is it that QDEC only displays the contrast "Does the
> avg thickness, accounting for gender, differ between group1 and group2?"
> and not also "..acounting for gender and age,.."?
> 2) In QDEC, if I am left with a cluster after setting the FDR rate to 0.1,
> does that qualify as a "trend towads significance" in the same way as when
> obtaining a p value <.1 for a behavioural effect?
> 3) From the group tutorial, I see that mris_preproc has to be called with
> flag "--cache-in ess.fwhm10thickn.fsaverage". However, after running
> recon-all (including with the –qcache option) on all my subjects, none of
> their folders contains a file named ?h.thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage.mgh
> 4) When comparing two healthy groups, is there anything to gain from using
> a fsaverage built from the sample (with make_average_subject) as opposed to
> using the default fsaverage?
> 5) What is the difference between running make_average_subject and running
> mris_preproc with --target fsaverage?
> 6) For my ROI mri_glmfit analysis, I wanted to use the FSGD and contrast
> files that were automatically created when I did my QDEC whole-brain
> analysis, since the design will be the same. However, although I identified
> the FSGD file (qdec.fsgd), I cannot see any plaintext file in the QDEC
> folder that looks like it contains contrast definitions!
> Thanks!
> Tudor
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