Hi Bruce
I need to know the transformation matrix itself since I will do the 
transformation in matlab.
I successfully transformed white matter fibers coordinates to T1 using 
AIR 5.0 from LONI lab. They provide a transformation matrix.
Now I want to transform the coordinates from T1 to Freesurfer space, so 
my question is: what is the transformation matrix that relates the T1 
which I have used in freesurfer for parcellation and segmentation with 
the aparc+aseg.mgz file produced by FS?

On 3/19/2012 2:36 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Johnson
> have you tried using bbregister for this? It should give you a 
> register.dat that you can use with mri_vol2vol to transform your 
> diffusion data into aparc+aseg space if you want.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2012, Johnson wrote:
>> Hi
>> This is Johnson, I am researcher at univ. of IL at chicago, I have a 
>> question regarding freesurfer:
>> What is the transformation matrix that relates the freesurfer 
>> aparc+aseg space to the aparc+aseg-in-rawavg space,
>> I am asking this question for the following reason:
>> I have white matter fiber tracts in Diffusion space, I managed to 
>> transform it to aparc+aseg-in-rawavg space by registering the B0 to 
>> the brainmask-in-rawavg volume. Now I want to transform it to 
>> aparc+aseg space.
>> thanks
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