They are in the same coordinate system as the original T1 file supplied 
to FS to generate the aparc+aseg file
On 03/27/2012 4:41 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> And what coordinate system are the xyz in?
> doug
> ps. Please post questions to the list and not to me personally. Thanks!
> On 03/27/2012 04:10 PM, Johnson wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have the tracts in (x,y,z) format not as an nii file
>> regards
>> JG
>> On 03/27/2012 11:25 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>>> Hi Johnson, try something like this:
>>> mri_label2vol --seg tracts.nii --temp orig.mgz --o tracts-in-fs.nii
>>> --regheader tracts.nii
>>> doug
>>> On 03/26/2012 03:29 PM, Johnson wrote:
>>>> OK
>>>> T1 space is the space acquired from the machine, original anatomical
>>>> space
>>>> regards
>>>> JG
>>>> On 03/26/2012 2:25 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>>> can you post to the list so others can answer? And can you clarify
>>>>> what you mean by "T1" space?
>>>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012, Johnson wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> well, I had to transfer the fiber tracts coordinates from DWI space
>>>>>> to T1 space, I used the b0 and the T1 for the registration process, I
>>>>>> got the transformation matrix and applied it onto the tracts and they
>>>>>> fit very well.
>>>>>> Now I want to transform the tracts from T1 space to the freesurfer
>>>>>> space, I need to know the transformation matrix that was used during
>>>>>> the processing if it was saved in any of the logs
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Johnson
>>>>>> On 03/26/2012 2:09 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Johnson
>>>>>>> what T1 did you register to? Most of the ones we generate (T1.mgz,
>>>>>>> brainmask.mgz, ...) are in a common coordinate system and you
>>>>>>> shouldn't
>>>>>>> have to transform from one to another.
>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012, Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>> Let me re-phrase my question:
>>>>>>>> I already did registration from DWI to T1, this step is OK.
>>>>>>>> Now I want to go from T1 to FreeSurfer space (aparc+aseg.mgz
>>>>>>>> file not
>>>>>>>> the aparc+aseg-in-rawavg file). I know I have two choices:
>>>>>>>> 1) do registration using bbregister
>>>>>>>> 2) since Freesurfer during processing have already done this
>>>>>>>> step, the
>>>>>>>> transformation matrix is there somewhere, the question is where to
>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>> it? which log or which file? this choice is better since it is more
>>>>>>>> accurate.
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> JG
>>>>>>>> On 03/26/2012 12:41 PM, Anastasia Yendiki wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If you want to register your DWI to T1, you should register to
>>>>>>>>> mri/brain.mgz. You can do this with bbregister, or with any affine
>>>>>>>>> registration tool of your choice.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2012, Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>> I found it in a 256x256x256 space while the T1 we use is in
>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>> space, I found this page on the registration step:
>>>>>>>>>> I wish to know how this script work?
>>>>>>>>>> mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o
>>>>>>>>>> aseg-in-rawavg.mgz
>>>>>>>>>> --regheader aseg.mgz
>>>>>>>>>> what is the transformation used ?
>>>>>>>>>> JG
>>>>>>>>>> On 03/26/2012 12:24 PM, Anastasia Yendiki wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>      Hi Johnson - The aparc+aseg.mgz is in the same space as
>>>>>>>>>>> the T1
>>>>>>>>>>> used as
>>>>>>>>>>>      input to freesurfer.
>>>>>>>>>>>      a.y
>>>>>>>>>>>      On Mon, 26 Mar 2012, Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Hi FS expert
>>>>>>>>>>>>      I need to know the transformation matrix itself since I
>>>>>>>>>>>> will do
>>>>>>>>>>> the>      transformation in matlab.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      I successfully transformed white matter fibers
>>>>>>>>>>>> coordinates to T1
>>>>>>>>>>> using>      AIR 5.0 from LONI lab.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      They provide a transformation matrix.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Now I want to transform the coordinates from T1 to
>>>>>>>>>>>> Freesurfer
>>>>>>>>>>> space, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>      my question is: what is the transformation matrix that
>>>>>>>>>>>> relates
>>>>>>>>>>> the T1
>>>>>>>>>>>>      which FS have used for parcellation and segmentation
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the>
>>>>>>>>>>> aparc+aseg.mgz file?
>>>>>>>>>>>>      I searched the logs but couldn't find such matrix.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      I don't want to do a registration step since it will be
>>>>>>>>>>>> less
>>>>>>>>>>> accurate>      than the one that was generated during the
>>>>>>>>>>> segmentation
>>>>>>>>>>> process.
>>>>>>>>>>>>      Also is it just one transformation or a combination of
>>>>>>>>>>> transformations?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>      thanks
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>>>>>>> Freesurfer mailing list

Johnson J. GadElkarim
Research Assistant, Department Of Psychiatry,
PhD Candidate, Department Of Electrical&   Computer Eng.,
University Of Illinois at Chicago
Mob: 312 - 376 - 7322

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