Hi Martin,

I'll leave this for Nick, but we fixed the atlas eTIV calculations in the new version. Not sure which step you need to rerun though.

On Tue, 12 May 2009, Martin Kavec wrote:

Hi Bruce,

On Tuesday 12 May 2009 13:28:36 Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Martin,

there are probably some files it wants to see early in the stream that
didn't exist in 2006. I think the only cure is to string together the
individual commands you want to run (you can find them in the recon-all

Your are right. Since it is very close towards the end of the pipeline, I am
trying recon-all -cortribbon -aparc2aseg -wmparc, which seems to be running
fine so far.

On the other hand I am finding that for some subjects
atlas_icv (eTIV) = 2593116 mm^3 (det: 0.75126)

2.5 liters ICV :o ? Is that something I should be worried about? It is pretty
high, if it is what I suppose it represents.



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