Hi Roberto,

can you send us the command line and full screen output of the minc to mgz step? It shouldn't change the aspect ratio.

On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, roberto toro wrote:


I've been having troubles trying to convert from minc volumes into
mgz... I'll appreciate any hint

first, going directly from mnc to mgz changes the aspect ratio of the
volume, so (following someone elses advice) I'm trying to use minc to
analyze as intermediate step.

I've been using mnc2nii subject.mnc subject.hdr for the conversion,
and if I display the volumes (using NeuroLens) the conversion looks

but then, when I do mri_convert -it analyze -i subject -o subject.mgz,
the volume is shifted to one side (in addition to left/right swapped).
If you look at the coronal sections I'm attaching, you see that a
piece of ear the right ear is appearing at the left.

I don't know if this is a know issue or something particular to my
data... but, is it possible to create a mgz volume from raw data? I
mean, using the .img part of the analyze file and specifying manually
the volume dimension, voxel size, orientation, etc?

thanks in advance,

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