
Can you tell me the error it is saying about MINC?

Also, do you have a prior installation of the MINC tools?  I am guessing
you do, and that there is some prior setting of the MINC_BIN_DIR and
MINC_LIB_DIR variables that is conflicting with the new installation.  

The MINC toolkit is included with the new distribution, so these two
vars (MINC_BIN_DIR and LINC_LIB_DIR) should point into:  

  <your installation path>/freesurfer/lib/mni

Once that is resolved, then the freesurfer tools should be in your path.

The RH9 distribution should run fine on SuSE.


On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 12:47 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to install and set-up freesurfer on a SuSE Linux system, I
> downloaded and installed the Redhat version, I'm not sure if this was the
> correct version to use, but when I try to fix the perl path with the command
> given on the wiki, it says that the command is not found, nor is nu_correct, 
> or
> mksubjdirs, tkmedit, mri_convert, or any others that I've tried.  I convert 
> the
> shell to tcsh and source SetUpFreeSurfer.csh, and that seems to work, except
> for an error about MINC.  Dou you know what the issue might be with my setup?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
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