
My name is Ruth Smans and I am new phd student learning how to work with FS 

I have come across a problem in coregistration when overlaying my functional 
images on my flattened anatomical, (both converted from SPM).  My functional 
images include only 40 slices from the posterior part of the brain while my 
anatomical is a whole brain image.  
While I coregister the anatomical and functional images in SPM, when I try and 
overlay them in freesurfer the activations are moved forward.  I assume I 
have to complete some form of manual coregistration using tkregister but I 
have been unable to open this.  Could someone  provide me with some 
information about commands for tkregister and how I can properly coregister 
the two images?

All your help would be greatly appreciated.

Ruth Smans

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