Quoth Julian H. Stacey on Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 16:47:46 +0200
> Me Too. New one is dead boring, not colourful, & much boring real
> estate given on the prime left column to the mega yawn of "New
> commiter" "New commiter" "New commiter" Really boring that, except
> to insiders. 

Well, I like the new design very much.

It's simpler and has less wha on the front page.  The top bar thingy
gives you a nice and clear menu to find more information and has a
search box well visible.  You can scan the whole page in a short time
which is good.  Web page where you get 100 links are useless. 

How about a pool?...Or better yet, get a lot of CSS goodness and have
lots of themes... Or maybe not... *grins evilly*

> Front page should list reasons to stay & click further,

I think that one does.  *shrugs* You cannot please everyone I guess.

To be honest, the news section is a bit long.  I don't think that the
"New Committer" is newsworthy but that's just me.  Maybe do a once a
month annoucement?

> > browser.  On the downside, I notice it now uses cookies.
> Cookie Filth !? Beyond Mailman/ list subs ? On principle lots of
> BSD die hards run cookies java flash & other crap turned Off.

So what?  No cookie, page still loads hence no bother.

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