On 10/6/05, Bartosz Fabianowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > monitor are wider than taller, why restrain horizontal space ?
> A fixed width design is very fashionable these days and you see it creeping
> up everywhere. It's what's considered "professional" these days, so I can't
> really blame anybody trying to appear professional for choosing it. But I
> still think that this is a bad trend. On my wide screen laptop, 50% of the
> screen are wasted blank space.

Fixed width designs are popular with graphic artists because they can
force everything to look exactly the way they want it.  On their
monitor.  With their browser.  For those of us that don't use exactly
the same display resolution or browser (and fonts), the result is
usually disappointing at best.  The new site looks like #$^% and is
very difficult to use, for example, on a PDA with Pocket Internet

- Bob
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