From: "Hector Lecuanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After seeng 60-odd messages in this thread in only 4 days, i can only say

we could all take a minute and read that little jewel buried in the
docs, since this is a prime example of the bike-shed syndrome.

In the mean time, I say kudos to the designers and all those who took
the time to revitalize the web page.

----- Original Message ----- I have a much prefered image to the Danish "fingerprinting" image. I
simply imagine a scruffy old dog lifting its leg and "marking". Until
management has peed on it the project will not go forward.

{^_-}   Joanne, so far darned little has disabused me of this notion
       gained within weeks of working in industry in the late 60s.

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