On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 05:18:54PM +0200, Marwan Burelle wrote:
> I don't like an upper navigation bar, simply because every thing on a
> computer screen just work like that (your browser have all its control
> on the top, most desktop have a task bar on the bottom of screen
> and/or a menu on the top) and the available vertical space for the
> real content is very short. Having a side-bar was a fine way to manage
> this space ...

We didn't have a side-bar, we had two, and they both had dozens of
links which was far too many and we've had people over and over again
prove that they lose links in the noise.  "How do I get to the release
engineering page?" "How do I get to the projects page" All of these
were on those side-bars but they were completely overloaded and nobody
could find anything on them.

      - Murray

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