Joseph Vidal-Rosset <> writes:
> Hi,
> 2013/9/28 Suvayu Ali <>
>> Your example is not beginner's tutorial at all!  Nor is it something
>> that the manual can cover.
> I do not understand why. Every beginner intested in org-mode is interested
> for such or such application, and that's a strange reply to make to a

I think it's partly because many people shudder when they think about
using gnus for the first time.  This is historical.  Gnus is now
relatively easy to set up and use but, in the dim and ancient past, it
was more of a challenge and not something for newbies...  Further, gnus
is still somewhat challenging when it comes to some types of
customisation.  Whether any gnus aspects should be in a beginner's
tutorial is doubtful as it would potentially overwhelm the tutorial!

Of course, many of us on the list are happy to try to help with gnus and
org issues.  

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.1.1-7-gaecdf5

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