Hi Joseph,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 09:22:02AM +0200, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
> Example: I am presently mainly interested to see if it is possible to use
> gnus to write a scientific letter with all conveniences of texlive. Of
> course I can open a tex file with letter class and send to my colleague a
> pdf file. But it would be more convenient to write an email and using
> conversions to html and png images to send to him directly this email. I
> guess it is possilbe to do it with gnus. But the documentation is esoteric:
> I hear about links, but how it works concretly with example understanble by
> a newby ...  mystery. It is therefore frustrating and quickly discouraging.

Your example is not beginner's tutorial at all!  Nor is it something
that the manual can cover.  For esoteric/specific needs like this
"advanced tutorials" are more appropriate.

Now to answer your question, I have seen people mention htmlize.el from
contrib for something like this.  To integrate with LaTeX, you should be
able work out a solution with some dvipng magic.  If memory serves me
right, there was a post from Eric[1] mentioning how to use htmlize from
gnus, and a thread on dvipng in the last month.  Those might help you.

As for Carsten's suggestion.  I agree completely.  It's a jungle of
tutorials, I myself get confused on that page.  I'll try to come-up with
a shortlist of beginner tutorials in a few days.



[1] okay, found it: <http://mid.gmane.org/87ppsba2tc....@ucl.ac.uk>


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