Dnia 2013-09-28, o godz. 18:14:11 Ian Barton <li...@wilkesley.net> napisaĆ(a):
> On 28/09/13 07:11, Carsten Dominik wrote: > > > > > Can we have a discussion here on how this path should look like? > > When you came to Org-mode as a newby, what were the three resources > > that really made an impression on by being accessible and > > providing feel and promise for digging deeper? > > > > - Carsten > > > > I think we need to try and identify why most new users come to > org-mode. This might give a better idea of how to re-organize things. > > I am guessing that initially many users are attracted by the task > management and outlining features. From these basic features flow > things such as publishing, clocking, Babel. So maybe listing > Tutorials in this order would be a start. > > Personally if I am learning something new I want a broad overview of > the main features, with links to places where I can find more detail. > > For example David O'Toole's and Sacha's tutorials cover this very > well. The videos are an excellent resource, but require the user to > set aside 30-60mins in one block of time. People are more likely to > watch them if their initial interest has been piqued by something > they can read and digest in small blocks. Hear, hear. What I would love to see is a 4-5 minutes video "trailer", showing most prominent features of Org-mode, with cool music, effects etc. - like movie trailers. :) > > Ian. > > Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University