Hi Joseph,

On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 01:59:28PM +0200, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote:
> Hi,
> 2013/9/28 Suvayu Ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com>
> > Your example is not beginner's tutorial at all!  Nor is it something
> > that the manual can cover.
> >
> I do not understand why. Every beginner intested in org-mode is interested
> for such or such application, and that's a strange reply to make to a
> beginner like me to reply : "sorry but your request is not a beginner's
> request". And if I am interested in org-mode mainly for the feature?

I'm sorry my response came off that way.  All that I wanted to say was:
you are trying to leverage Org into doing something that it was not
designed to do.  That is not a bad thing at all.  The community always
welcomes such creative efforts and always makes an effort to document it
(usually on Worg).  Partly, this is also the reason why navigating
through the information available on Worg can be daunting.  I believe
Eric echoed the same sentiment in another message.

> >  For esoteric/specific needs like this
> > "advanced tutorials" are more appropriate.
> >
> I have not found a clear tutorial to help me on this point, and even in the
> org-mode manual, the relationship between org-mode and emacs email client
> like gnus is very difficult to understand. Again, I have not seen an easy
> example to follow.

This actually proves my point.  Tutorials are written by volunteers like
you and me.  If there is no tutorial, it means no one has encoutered the
problem or encoutered and solved it (at least did not put effort into
documenting it).  In such a case please feel free to ask on the mailing
list.  Tell us what you want to achieve, what you have tried, and
someone with a bright idea will chime in.  I'm sure you have noticed it
by now, the Org community is one of the most welcoming and friendly out

Good luck following up on Eric's suggestions with regards to your
particular request.  If you do get it working, I would encourage you to
document it on Worg or the mailing list.



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