On Aug 19, 2011, at 11:02 AM, peter.fri...@agfa.com wrote: > Good morning gents, > > I think you nailed it. Thanks! > > > * Summary > Having the todo list in a daily view is very convenient, but not provided > out-of-the-box. The enabling of it used to be relatively simply with a single > variable, but in more recent version it’s now reserved for org-savvy people. > Hooray for > http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-custom-agenda-commands.html
OK, I am attaching a patch proposal which will clean this up a bit. It does: - Clean up the variable name include-all, which is confusing for readers of the code - Make `org-agenda-custom-commands' have a default value, which is a block that does put agenda and TODO list into one view. Note that I have changed the sequence from Peter's proposal, I am putting the agenda first - this makes more sense, I think, and also reduces the likelihood that the cursor will be in the TODO list when you are trying to move through time. - I have *not* changes the problem that trying to change time views in the TODO block will not work - this would have required more coding and would create undefined behavior in some block agendas. HTH, please give me feed back. Bastien, let me know if/when I should push this change. Cheers - Carsten
Description: Binary data
> > > * What the problem was > In Emacs 7.7, the variable org-agenda-include-all-todo no longer affects the > daily/weekly view as documented. > > ** org-agenda-include-all-todo no longer works > The docstrings states: > > ======================== docstring ======================== > Set means weekly/daily agenda will always contain all TODO entries. > The TODO entries will be listed at the top of the agenda, before > the entries for specific days. > This option is deprecated, it is better to define a block agenda instead. > ================================================ > > Note that it says it’s deprecated, but it’s still present and describes the > behavior I was used to. But it doesn’t. Which is in-line what what Puneeth > mentioned (commit 770c2ddfba5c173d1b33e7b247b49a8188994f76). > > > ** Terminology > Notice that org-agenda-include-all-todo’s docstring mentions ‘block agenda’, > as does the ‘Agenda View’ chapter in the manual. But that term is nowhere to > be found in Org’s customization options. You must first find ‘Agenda Custom > Commands’, but there the docstring mentions “You can also define a set of > commands, to create a __composite agenda__ buffer.” So there is a problem of > terminology here. > > > * Thoughts > I do question this change a bit. I find it very convenient to have my to-do’s > (scheduled or not) in my day view. Now, I must make a block agenda to get > this. OK, I can handle that. However, out-of-the box behavior should suit > beginners, and asking them to make a block agenda as the first thing to do is > a bit heavy, no? (Have you seen the customization page for that? Frightening!) > > So, to get what I used to have[1] I need to define a custom view like this: > > (setq org-agenda-custom-commands > '(("h" "All to-do's and Agenda" > ((alltodo) > (agenda ""))))) > > [1] It’s not identical because of the block headers, but that might be > something that is customizable. Haven’t checked it yet. > > Also, in the older version you could type `d’ or `w' to switch to day or week > view from anywhere in the buffer; now you must make sure the cursor is on the > agenda black and not in the todo black. This is a bit annoying. > > > > * Example > Using GNU Emacs 23.3.1 > > The example uses the todo list from Suvayu’s mail: > ======================== ~/planning/minimal.org ======================== > * TODO Plumber to fix leak > <2011-08-04 Thu> > > * TODO RooStats tutorial > SCHEDULED: <2011-01-25 Tue 09:00> > > * TODO Analysis deadline > DEADLINE: <2011-08-19 Fri 15:00> > > * TODO Read Dune > The above 3 entries show up in the agenda, but this one doesn’t. > ================================================ > > And a minimal emacs init file: > ======================== ~/.emacs-minimal ======================== > (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\ |org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . > org-mode)) > (setq org-agenda-files '("~/planning/minimal.org")) > (require 'org-install) > (require 'org-habit) > > (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) > ================================================ > > Start with > /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs --debug-init -Q -l > ~/.emacs-minimal > > > ** Behavior with Org 6.33x > Org-mode 6.33x as version with Emacs 23) > > *** ‘out of the box’ setup > > Do `C-c a a’ > > ========================Weekly agenda shows============================= > Week-agenda (W33): > Monday 15 August 2011 W33 > Tuesday 16 August 2011 > Wednesday 17 August 2011 > Thursday 18 August 2011 > Friday 19 August 2011 > 8:00...... ---------------- > 10:00...... ---------------- > 12:00...... ---------------- > 14:00...... ---------------- > minimal: 15:00...... Deadline: TODO Analysis deadline > 16:00...... ---------------- > 18:00...... ---------------- > 20:00...... ---------------- > minimal: Sched.207x: TODO RooStats tutorial > Saturday 20 August 2011 > Sunday 21 August 2011 > ------------------------------------------------------------- > > ========================Daily agenda shows============================= > Day-agenda (W33): > Friday 19 August 2011 > 8:00...... ---------------- > 10:00...... ---------------- > 12:00...... ---------------- > 14:00...... ---------------- > minimal: 15:00...... Deadline: TODO Analysis deadline > 16:00...... ---------------- > 18:00...... ---------------- > 20:00...... ---------------- > minimal: Sched.207x: TODO RooStats tutorial > ================================================ > > *** To include the TODO items > Add this to the init file (or evaluate): > > (setq org-agenda-include-all-todo t) > > Then, `C-a a a’ > > ========================Weekly agenda shows============================= > All currently open TODO items: > minimal: TODO Plumber to fix leak > minimal: TODO RooStats tutorial > minimal: TODO Analysis deadline > minimal: TODO Read Dune > Week-agenda (W33): > Monday 15 August 2011 W33 > Tuesday 16 August 2011 > Wednesday 17 August 2011 > Thursday 18 August 2011 > Friday 19 August 2011 > 8:00...... ---------------- > 10:00...... ---------------- > 12:00...... ---------------- > 14:00...... ---------------- > minimal: 15:00...... Deadline: TODO Analysis deadline > 16:00...... ---------------- > 18:00...... ---------------- > 20:00...... ---------------- > minimal: Sched.207x: TODO RooStats tutorial > Saturday 20 August 2011 > Sunday 21 August 2011 > > ================================================ > > ========================Weekly agenda shows============================= > All currently open TODO items: > minimal: TODO Plumber to fix leak > minimal: TODO RooStats tutorial > minimal: TODO Analysis deadline > minimal: TODO Read Dune > Day-agenda (W33): > Friday 19 August 2011 > 8:00...... ---------------- > 10:00...... ---------------- > 12:00...... ---------------- > 14:00...... ---------------- > minimal: 15:00...... Deadline: TODO Analysis deadline > 16:00...... ---------------- > 18:00...... ---------------- > 20:00...... ---------------- > minimal: Sched.207x: TODO RooStats tutorial > ================================================ > > > > ** Now with org 7.7, same emacs. > emacs init file now loads a more recent version of org and sets > org-agenda-include-all-todo: > ======================== ~/.emacs-minimal ======================== > ;; use more recent org > (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/src/org/lisp")) > (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\ |org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . > org-mode)) > (setq org-agenda-files '("~/planning/minimal.org")) > (require 'org-install) > (require 'org-habit) > > ;;; expecting to get the TODO items in the daily agenda view! > ;;; > (setq org-agenda-include-all-todo t) > > (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) > ================================================ > > Now, the same `C-c a a’ yields > > ======================== Week view ======================== > Week-agenda (W33): > Monday 15 August 2011 W33 > Tuesday 16 August 2011 > Wednesday 17 August 2011 > Thursday 18 August 2011 > Friday 19 August 2011 > 8:00...... ---------------- > 9:26...... now - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > 10:00...... ---------------- > 12:00...... ---------------- > 14:00...... ---------------- > minimal: 15:00...... Deadline: TODO Analysis deadline > 16:00...... ---------------- > 18:00...... ---------------- > 20:00...... ---------------- > minimal: Sched.207x: TODO RooStats tutorial > Saturday 20 August 2011 > Sunday 21 August 2011 > ================================================ > > ======================== Day view ======================== > Day-agenda (W33): > Friday 19 August 2011 > 8:00...... ---------------- > 10:00...... ---------------- > 12:00...... ---------------- > 14:00...... ---------------- > minimal: 15:00...... Deadline: TODO Analysis deadline > 16:00...... ---------------- > 18:00...... ---------------- > 20:00...... ---------------- > minimal: Sched.207x: TODO RooStats tutorial > ================================================ > > No more TODO overview, even with org-agenda-include-all-todo set. Clearly, > it’s not only deprecated, but completely ignored. Hence, it should be removed. > > > I hope I’ve managed to better describe the problems I had :-) > > Cheers and thanks for the help! > Peter. - Carsten