Hi Suvayu,

On 18 Aug 2011, at 18:44, suvayu ali wrote:

> It might be helpful to know how your TODO entries are formatted. Maybe
> its not the setup, but how the agenda files are formatted that was
> causing the issue?
> In any case, good to hear it is resolved now.

That’s the problem, the issue is *not* resolved… the todo items show up in the 
global todo list, but still not in the daily agenda view.

So I believe the TODO items are formatted `according to spec’ :-).
E.g., “** TODO Fix the daily agenda view”.

I tried the really minimal set-up, as documented on worg [1], and as it is it 
is not showing TODO items in the agenda, either. But when I switch on 'Org 
Agenda Include All Todo’, it does! With the same agenda files (thus I really 
assume they’re properly formatted). So, one step closer… but no cigar.

I’m now comparing the org settings between the two set-ups (as included in the 
org bug report facility), but I don’t notice anything obvious… it’s 
frustrating! But tomorrow is another day, and maybe with a fresh mind… who 


[1] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html

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