Hi Peter,

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 7:41 PM,  <peter.fri...@agfa.com> wrote:
> So I believe the TODO items are formatted `according to spec’ :-).
> E.g., “** TODO Fix the daily agenda view”.

I don't think the present version of org will show an entry in the
agenda unless you have an active timestamp. To give you an example:

* TODO Plumber to fix leak
  <2011-08-04 Thu>

* TODO RooStats tutorial
  SCHEDULED: <2011-01-25 Tue 09:00>

* TODO Analysis deadline
  DEADLINE: <2011-08-19 Fri 15:00>

* TODO Read Dune
  The above 3 entries show up in the agenda, but this one doesn't.

Actually to show up in the agenda, the TODO keyword is not necessary. It
depends solely on the timestamp and you get reminders based on whether
its a regular timestamp, SCHEDULED timestamp or a DEADLINE.

I hope this helps. If you still have issues, please follow what Seb
suggested and post a minimal example which demonstrates the behaviour
you describe.



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