On Aug 19, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Bastien wrote:

> Hi Carsten,
> Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> OK, I am attaching a patch proposal which will clean this up a bit.
> Thanks for tackling these issues -- I can't read the patch thourh, 
> as it is just two lines long, can you resent it? 

Strange.  Here it is again:

Attachment: agenda-include-all.patch
Description: Binary data

>> It does:
>> - Clean up the variable name include-all, which is confusing
>>  for readers of the code
>> - Make `org-agenda-custom-commands' have a default value,
>>  which is a block that does put agenda and TODO list into
>>  one view.  Note that I have changed the sequence from Peter's
>>  proposal, I am putting the agenda first - this makes more sense,
>>  I think, and also reduces the likelihood that the cursor will be
>>  in the TODO list when you are trying to move through time.
>> - I have *not* changes the problem that trying to change time views
>>  in the TODO block will not work - this would have required
>>  more coding and would create undefined behavior in some block
>>  agendas.
>> HTH, please give me feed back.  Bastien, let me know if/when
>> I should push this change.
> I'll test it this afternoon.
> Best,
> -- 
> Bastien

- Carsten

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