
You might be interested in Jekkyl, a Ruby program that is a  blog-aware,
static  web sites generator. It basically generates HTML out of tex,haml,
textile files.

check it out: http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/
Example sites: http://wiki.github.com/mojombo/jekyll/sites

So what does it have to do with Org? well, some guy developed a nice way of
using the power of Jekky with Org. It uses org as a backed to generate the
html, he prepoceses it and then generates the site using Jekyll.

You might want to check it out:


I am not using it myself right now,  but I plan to.  One of the good things
is that you can use the color-theme when exporting to html and put the code
sampel just like you see it in your Emacs.

I hope it helps.

Miguel Fernando Cabrera Granados
"A los hombres fuertes les pasa lo que a los barriletes; se elevan cuando es
mayor el viento que se opone a su ascenso." - José Ingenieros
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