The correct url is

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Ian Barton <> wrote:

> Rick Moynihan wrote:
>> 2009/11/11 Ian Barton <>:
>>> Rick Moynihan wrote:
>>>> 2009/10/2 Miguel Fernando Cabrera <>:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> You might be interested in Jekkyl, a Ruby program that is a
>>>>>  blog-aware,
>>>>> static  web sites generator. It basically generates HTML out of
>>>>> tex,haml,
>>>>> textile files.
>>>>> check it out:
>>>>> Example sites:
>>>>> So what does it have to do with Org? well, some guy developed a nice
>>>>> way
>>>>> of
>>>>> using the power of Jekky with Org. It uses org as a backed to generate
>>>>> the
>>>>> html, he prepoceses it and then generates the site using Jekyll.
>>>>> You might want to check it out:
>>>>>  This looks like it could be really good, but I can't access the
>>>> happyblogger repository nor any of Chrononaut's other git repo's on
>>>> github.  Has the account been deleted or is github just down again?
>>>> I'm looking for an org-mode based static blogging solution that's more
>>>> robust than blorg, so I'm hoping this is available somewhere.
>>>> R.
>>>>  My stuff on github is OK, so he may have deleted his account.
>> Do you or does anyone else know if there is a clone of this repo anywhere?
>> R.
> Sorry, the last url I posted doesn't seem to contain anything useful:) Try
> this one:
> Ian.
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