Manoj Srivastava wrote:
On Wed, Sep 30 2009, Water Lin wrote:

I want to mantain a local static html blog system on my local
computer. I think org is good enough to organise the stuff.

Is there any special function for me to use org as blog system?

I need a reference to start......

        With the following Ikiwiki plugin, I have been using org as my
 Ikiwiki input mechanism (so I write all my blog posts as org-mode
 files, and Ikiwiki transforms tehm into html and rss.


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
# File:
# Time-stamp: <2009-02-06 12:10:28 srivasta>
# Copyright (C) 2008 by Manoj Srivastava
# Author: Manoj Srivastava
# Description:
# This allows people to write Ikiwiki content using Emacs and org-mode
# (requires Emacs 23), and uses the html export facility of org-mode to
# create the output. Some bits based on

package IkiWiki::Plugin::org;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use IkiWiki 3.00;

use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;

# ------------------------------------------------------------

sub import {
  hook(type => "getsetup", id => "org", call => \&getsetup);
  hook(type => "htmlize",  id => "org", call => \&htmlize);
} #

sub getsetup () {
    plugin => {
               safe => 0,
               rebuild => undef,
               advanced => 1,
    emacs_binary => {
                     type => "string",
                     example => "/usr/bin/emacs-snapshot",
                     description => "location of an emacs binary with org-mode",
                     advanced => 1,
                     safe => 0,
                     rebuild => undef,

sub htmlize (@) {
  my %params  = @_;
  my $dir     = File::Temp->newdir();

  my $ret = open(INPUT, ">$dir/");
  unless (defined $ret) {
    debug("failed to open $dir/ $@");
    return $params{content};
  my $emacs = '/usr/bin/emacs-snapshot';
  if (exists $config{emacs_binary} && -x $config{emacs_binary}) {
    $emacs = $config{emacs_binary};
  print INPUT $params{content};
  close INPUT;
  $ret = open(INPUT, ">/tmp/");
  print INPUT $params{content};
  close INPUT;
  my $args = "$emacs --batch -l org " .
              "--eval '(setq org-export-headline-levels 3 org-export-with-toc nil 
org-export-author-info nil )' " .
              "--visit=$dir/ " .
              '--funcall org-export-as-html-batch >/dev/null 2>&1';
  if (system($args)) {
    debug("failed to convert $params{page}: $@");
    return $params{content};
  $ret = open(OUTPUT, "$dir/contents.html");
  unless (defined $ret) {
    debug("failed find html output for $params{page}: $@");
    return $params{content};
  local $/ = undef;
  $ret = <OUTPUT>;
  close OUTPUT;
  $ret=~s/(.*<h1 class="title">){1}?//s;
  $ret=~s/<div id="postamble">.*//s;
  open(OUTPUT, ">/tmp/contents.html");
  print OUTPUT $ret;
  close OUTPUT;
return $ret;

# ------------------------------------------------------------
1; # modules have to return a true value
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Thanks for this great plugin. I had a couple of problems with UTF8 encodings not working. I have patched the plugin to fix this (code below). Warning I am not a Perl programmer, don't blame me if the patch eats your blog:)


# File:
# Time-stamp: <2009-02-06 12:10:28 srivasta>
# Copyright (C) 2008 by Manoj Srivastava
# Author: Manoj Srivastava
# Description:
# This allows people to write Ikiwiki content using Emacs and org-mode
# (requires Emacs 23), and uses the html export facility of org-mode to
# create the output. Some bits based on

# 2009-11-10 Patch by Ian Barton to fix some Unicode problems.

package IkiWiki::Plugin::org;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use IkiWiki 3.00;

use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;

# ------------------------------------------------------------

sub import {
  hook(type => "getsetup", id => "org", call => \&getsetup);
  hook(type => "htmlize",  id => "org", call => \&htmlize);
} #

sub getsetup () {
    plugin => {
               safe => 0,
               rebuild => undef,
               advanced => 1,
    emacs_binary => {
                     type => "string",
                     example => "/usr/bin/emacs-snapshot",
description => "location of an emacs binary with org-mode",
                     advanced => 1,
                     safe => 0,
                     rebuild => undef,

sub htmlize (@) {
  my %params  = @_;
  my $dir     = File::Temp->newdir();

  my $ret = open(INPUT, ">$dir/");
  binmode (INPUT, ":utf8");

  unless (defined $ret) {
    debug("failed to open $dir/ $@");
    return $params{content};
  my $emacs = '/usr/bin/emacs-snapshot';
  if (exists $config{emacs_binary} && -x $config{emacs_binary}) {
    $emacs = $config{emacs_binary};
  print INPUT $params{content};
  close INPUT;
  my $args = "$emacs --batch -l org " .
"--eval '(setq org-export-headline-levels 3 org-export-with-toc nil org-export-author-info nil )' " .
              "--visit=$dir/ " .
              '--funcall org-export-as-html-batch >/dev/null 2>&1';
  if (system($args)) {
    debug("failed to convert $params{page}: $@");
    return $params{content};
  $ret = open(OUTPUT, "$dir/contents.html");
  binmode (OUTPUT, ":utf8");
  unless (defined $ret) {
    debug("failed find html output for $params{page}: $@");
    return $params{content};
  local $/ = undef;
  $ret = <OUTPUT>;
  close OUTPUT;
  $ret=~s/(.*<h1 class="title">){1}?//s;
  $ret=~s/<div id="postamble">.*//s;
  open(OUTPUT, ">/tmp/contents.html");
  binmode (OUTPUT, ":utf8");
  print OUTPUT $ret;
  close OUTPUT;

  return $ret;

# ------------------------------------------------------------
1; # modules have to return a true value

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