Rick Moynihan wrote:
2009/11/11 Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org>:
Rick Moynihan wrote:
2009/10/2 Miguel Fernando Cabrera <mfcabr...@gmail.com>:
You might be interested in Jekkyl, a Ruby program that is a blog-aware,
static web sites generator. It basically generates HTML out of tex,haml,
textile files.
check it out: http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/
Example sites: http://wiki.github.com/mojombo/jekyll/sites
So what does it have to do with Org? well, some guy developed a nice way
using the power of Jekky with Org. It uses org as a backed to generate
html, he prepoceses it and then generates the site using Jekyll.
You might want to check it out:
This looks like it could be really good, but I can't access the
happyblogger repository nor any of Chrononaut's other git repo's on
github. Has the account been deleted or is github just down again?
I'm looking for an org-mode based static blogging solution that's more
robust than blorg, so I'm hoping this is available somewhere.
My stuff on github is OK, so he may have deleted his account.
Do you or does anyone else know if there is a clone of this repo anywhere?
Sorry, the last url I posted doesn't seem to contain anything useful:)
Try this one: http://github.com/bmaland/chrononaut.net/
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