org offers multiple ways of solving problems.  worg, blorg, and
Manoj's perl script, and I am sure there will be others.  I am  now
thinking on the following idea:

Using the new features (babel) added in the fresh release of org, it
is indeed possible to provide a minor mode in gnowsys-mode (see the
other thread posted on 30th October) to publish the notes with
relations and attributes (tagging, categorizing) etc.  in Plone
(gnowsys currently uses Zope/Plone for webservices).

It is high time that we should work on a emacs-engine (as a
webservice) that performs elisp functions so that several of the org
functions can be used independently.  This will proliferate org's use
beyond imagination.

Doesn't such an emacs-engine already exist?  Couldn't we use emacs in
batchmode to achieve this?  Any guidance is welcome.


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