Juan Manuel Macías writes:

> It was necessary with the previous implementation, which excessively
> abused regexp. Not now (I want to do a few more tests and I'll make a
> new commit with the changes). With the new implementation, now:
> -  do not export
> *  export only the content
> = rest (full)
> =* rest (contents only)
> backend- do not export this backend (and the backends derived from it)
> backend+ (or, perhaps, just "backend") export this backend (idem)
> backend* export this backend (contents only) (idem)
> I think your example with the video link would also be possible with the
> new implementation.

Please try the latest commit:

@@[:export html-]{Watch [[https://youtube.com/...][Org mode in action demo]] 

#+begin_export html
<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/...";
  title="Org mode in action demo"
  width="..." height="..."></iframe>

It would not be exported to html or its derived backends.

(In your example you used `-html' instead of `html-'. I have no
preference for one variant or another).

Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño 
editorial y ortotipografía

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