On 13/03/2024 00:41, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
It is not clear for me how to achieve the following. Add a link
[[https://youtube.com/...][Org mode in action demo (video)]]
for all backends (EPUB, LaTeX, ODT, text, etc.) besides HTML because
there is an #+export_html block with player embedded using an iframe.
Sorry, I don't quite understand this. Could you please elaborate?
--- 8< ---
&_[:exports -html]{Watch [[https://youtube.com/...][Org mode in action
demo]] video.}
#+begin_export html
<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/..."
title="Org mode in action demo"
width="..." height="..."></iframe>
--- >8 ---
should be exported to HTML without the sentence with the link
--- 8< ---
<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/..."
title="Org mode in action demo"
width="..." height="..."></iframe>
--- >8 ---
however only the sentence with the link is exported to LaTeX or any
other format
--- 8< ---
Watch \href{https://youtube.com/...}{Org mode in action demo} video.
--- >8 ---
Instead of "noexport" and "rest" that may be confused with backend
names I would consider "+" and "*" without any name. I would consider
some characters like "-", "_", "!", "~" to express "do not export to
this and derived backends" and "do not export for specified backend
how about the following:
- "--" :: do not export
- "**" :: export only the content
- "==" :: rest (full)
- "=*" :: rest (only the content)
- "!backend-name+ :: export this backend (full)
- "!backend-name*" :: export this backend (only the content)
- "!backend-name- :: do not export this backend
I do not see why operator should be duplicated for backends that are not
specified explicitly. Single "+" (default) or "-" should be enough. I
have not got your idea with leading "!". From my point of view it is