Max Nikulin writes:

> It is not clear for me how to achieve the following. Add a link
> [[][Org mode in action demo (video)]]
> for all backends (EPUB, LaTeX, ODT, text, etc.) besides HTML because
> there is an #+export_html block with player embedded using an iframe.

Sorry, I don't quite understand this. Could you please elaborate?

> Instead of "noexport" and "rest" that may be confused with backend
> names I would consider "+" and "*" without any name. I would consider
> some characters like "-", "_", "!", "~" to express "do not export to
> this and derived backends" and "do not export for specified backend
> only".

how about the following:

- "--" :: do not export

- "**" :: export only the content

- "==" :: rest (full)

- "=*" :: rest (only the content)

- "!backend-name+ :: export this backend (full)

- "!backend-name*" :: export this backend (only the content)

- "!backend-name- :: do not export this backend


Juan Manuel Macías -- Composición tipográfica, tratamiento de datos, diseño 
editorial y ortotipografía

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