On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 8:41 AM Dominik Schrempf
<dominik.schre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you, I can use `citar-insert-edit` to perform this action.

You can actually just use org-cite-insert, which is context aware.

> Now, I failed to create a full citation in the text. This corresponds to the
> `\fullcite{}' command in LaTeX. Is there an option for this?

No, but we should add one, as natbib has a similar command.

And, of course, per Timothy's point, you can customize
org-cite-biblatex-styles to include it in the meantime. If you want to
experiment with this, contact me off-list, as there's some nuances
with citar.

> In summary, it is a bit painful to use `org-cite` compared to using `org-ref`.
> In my opinion, the main reasons are:
> • Documentation is missing for `org-cite`.
> • The citation commands seem to be incomplete (or at least not documented).

The documentation is admittedly thin. Thoughts on what we should add?

The styles, and how to customize them with oc-biblatex?


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