On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 4:24 AM Dominik Schrempf
<dominik.schre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying out `org-cite' right now. It works much better than the last time 
> (I
> am using the `biblatex' backend right now). However, I can not find any
> documentation about the available /styles/.
> They are mentioned here: <https://orgmode.org/manual/Citations.html>
> But no styles are provided.

I have come to believe the best approach to handling available styles
and previews is in the style selection UI. So that one can see what
one is waiting when selecting.

In citar, those styles and preview are currently hard-coded in a
defcustom, but I'd like to figure out how to do that dynamically,
using org-cite-supported-styles etc.

In the meantime, Timothy's article should help (see the table on the styles):


> For example, I need citations in the text (showing up as “Author(s) (Year)”).
> With BibTeX, this would be `\citet{}' (or `\textcite{}' with BibLaTeX). But
> there is a lot more. See: 
> <http://tug.ctan.org/info/biblatex-cheatsheet/biblatex-cheatsheet.pdf>).

You want the "text" style; [cite/text:@doe20], or with the shortcut


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