Thank you, I can use `citar-insert-edit` to perform this action.

Now, I failed to create a full citation in the text. This corresponds to the
`\fullcite{}' command in LaTeX. Is there an option for this?

In summary, it is a bit painful to use `org-cite` compared to using `org-ref`.
In my opinion, the main reasons are:

• Documentation is missing for `org-cite`.
• The citation commands seem to be incomplete (or at least not documented).

I am aware that all this is a lot of work, and I am really grateful that we have
`org-cite` and `org-ref` available!

Thank you,

“Bruce D’Arcus” <> writes:

> On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 4:24 AM Dominik Schrempf
> <> wrote:
>> I am trying out `org-cite’ right now. It works much better than the last 
>> time (I
>> am using the `biblatex’ backend right now). However, I can not find any
>> documentation about the available /styles/.
>> They are mentioned here: <>
>> But no styles are provided.
> I have come to believe the best approach to handling available styles
> and previews is in the style selection UI. So that one can see what
> one is waiting when selecting.
> In citar, those styles and preview are currently hard-coded in a
> defcustom, but I’d like to figure out how to do that dynamically,
> using org-cite-supported-styles etc.
> In the meantime, Timothy’s article should help (see the table on the styles):
> <>
>> For example, I need citations in the text (showing up as “Author(s) (Year)”).
>> With BibTeX, this would be `\citet{}’ (or `\textcite{}’ with BibLaTeX). But
>> there is a lot more. See: 
>> <>).
> You want the “text” style; (NO_ITEM_DATA:doe20), or with the shortcut
> (/t: NO_ITEM_DATA:doe20).
> Bruce

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