“Bruce D’Arcus” <bdar...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 8:41 AM Dominik Schrempf
> <dominik.schre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you, I can use `citar-insert-edit` to perform this action.
> You can actually just use org-cite-insert, which is context aware.
>> Now, I failed to create a full citation in the text. This corresponds to the
>> `\fullcite{}’ command in LaTeX. Is there an option for this?
> No, but we should add one, as natbib has a similar command.
> And, of course, per Timothy’s point, you can customize
> org-cite-biblatex-styles to include it in the meantime. If you want to
> experiment with this, contact me off-list, as there’s some nuances
> with citar.

Great, that was easy, thank you:

(add-to-list ’org-cite-biblatex-styles ’(“full” nil “fullcite” nil nil))

(This or something similar should be added upstream).

>> In summary, it is a bit painful to use `org-cite` compared to using 
>> `org-ref`.
>> In my opinion, the main reasons are:
>> • Documentation is missing for `org-cite`.
>> • The citation commands seem to be incomplete (or at least not documented).
> The documentation is admittedly thin. Thoughts on what we should add?
> The styles, and how to customize them with oc-biblatex?

I know writing documentation is a lot of work. It is easy to complain, but hard
to contribute. I think we need:
• A complete description of styles and variants (for the actual citation
  command, and also for `#+cite_export: ...') or at least a link to an
  up-to-date table.
• An improved description of the capabilities of `org-cite-insert' (i.e., that
  it can change the citation style and variant).

> Bruce

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