On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 7:01 PM Brian Dickson <brian.peter.dick...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 3:00 PM Brian Dickson <
> brian.peter.dick...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 2:50 PM Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@icann.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Are these still just idle ideas you are tossing out (as you indicated
>>> earlier), or meant to be serious proposals? If the latter, what is the
>>> significant improvement over the current draft? I ask because it feels like
>>> you are suggesting moving the inherent complexity of the semantics of SCVB
>>> around, but not noticeably reducing it overall. Unless there is a
>>> significant reduction in complexity, I don't see the value of grinding on
>>> this further. (I say this as someone who is not happy with the current
>>> level of complexity of the semantics, but don't see a way to reduce it.)
>>> --Paul Hoffman
>> It is meant to be a serious proposal.
>> The improvement is in the clarity and parse-ability of the HTTPS record
>> in zone file format, including reducing the complexity of the
>> HTTPS-specific semantics, without changing the actual wire format semantics
>> or complexity per se.
>> I'm working on the details of that, but it will necessarily be its own
>> work-in-progress. I hope to get something stable based on feedback... I
>> don't expect to get it 100% right on the first pass.
>> The first pass should hopefully illustrate the benefits at least, and
>> justify keeping list activity ongoing.
> Here is a very very brief version of HTTPS (call it HTTPS RRTYPE version 2
> pre-alpha-1, I suppose) ServiceForm RDATA (following the SvcPriority and
> TargetName):
>    - Make the "mandatory" field a derived (calculated) value, not an
>    actual component of the zone format
>    - no-default-alpn is a flag and excluded from the derived "mandatory
>    set" (i.e. automatically mandatory) - no change, semantically
>    - port is numeric, if present, and excluded from the derived
>    "mandatory set" (i.e. automatically mandatory) - no change, semantically
>    - ech, ipv4hint, and ipv6hint are string values (space separated list
>    of values for *hint), and additionally marked as either mandatory or
>    optional (syntax TBD) - conditionally added to "mandatory set"
>    - alpn is a space-separated list of string values, and additionally
>    marked as either mandatory or optional - conditionally added to "mandatory
>    set".
>    - The HTTPS RDATA itself is an ordered sequence of values, with
>    placeholder empty values occupying the respective position, using the empty
>    string ( "" ) if a parameter is not used
>    - Thus, the RDATA is positional in nature, very similar to the SOA
>    zone file format, and does not require any use of "key=" components at all
>    - The sequence of values in the RDATA is "no-default-alpn", "port",
>    "ech", "ipv4hint", "ipv6hint", "alpn"
>    - The placement of alpn as the last element of the RDATA allows it to
>    be a list of an arbitrary number of strings, rather than a singleton, which
>    avoids the escaping characters issue.
>    - The zone file format and parsing are deterministic and
>    bidirectionally congruent.
>    - The proposed marker(s) for either "optional" or "mandatory" are "~"
>    for optional, and "+" for mandatory (similar to usage in SPF)
> Note that, similar to the SOA record, most hand-editing of zone files
> would involve copying the commented blank form, and changing whatever needs
> to be specified according to the actual intention of the domain owner.
> Here are some of the examples from the original draft, re-imagined with
> the new zone file encoding.
> NB: new zone format,  but representing identical corresponding wire
> formats to the original examples:
> alpn=h2,h3-19 mandatory=ipv4hint,alpn ipv4hint=
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "" ; port - not present
>   "" ; ech - not present
>   "" ; ipv4hint, mandatory (not marked with "~")
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "h2" "h3-19" ; list of alpn values, mandatory (not marked with "~")
> )
> alpn="f\\\\oo\\,bar,h2"
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "" ; port - not present
>   "" ; ech - not present
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "~foo,bar" "h2" ; list of alpn values, optional (marked with "~" on
> first string meaning optional)
> )
> ipv6hint="2001:db8::1,2001:db8::53:1"
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "" ; port - not present
>   "" ; ech - not present
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "~2001:db8::1,2001:db8::53:1" ; ipv6hint, optional (per initial "~")
>   "" ; alpn - not present
> )
> port=53
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "53" ; port
>   "" ; ech - not present
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "" ; alpn - not present
> )
> (No parameters other than priority and target)
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "" ; port - not present
>   "" ; ech - not present
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "" ; alpn - not present
> )
> alpn=h2,h3 ech="123..."
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "" ; port - not present
>   "~123..." ; ech, not mandatory (marked with "~"
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "~h2" "h3" ; list of alpn values, optional (marked with "~")
> )
> alpn=h2 ech="abc..."
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "" ; port - not present
>   "~abc..." ; ech, optional (not marked with "~")
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "~h2" ; (list of) alpn value(s), optional (marked with "~")
> )
> ech="111..." ipv6hint=2001:db8::1 port=1234
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "1234" ; port
>   "111..." ; ech, optional (not marked with "~")
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "~2001:db8::1" ; ipv6hint, optional (marked with "~")
>   "" ; alpn - not present
> )
> port=8002 ech="..."
> ( "" ; no-default-alpn is "no" aka not-present
>   "8002" ; port
>   "~..." ; ech, optional (marked with "~")
>   "" ; ipv4hint - not present
>   "" ; ipv6hint - not present
>   "" ; alpn - not present
> )
> Compactness in a zone file format is not a feature, it is (IMNSHO) a bug.
> Clarity and unambiguous parsing, and round-trip (zone->wire->zone) identity
> are attributes that should be major considerations.
Unless I'm missing something, this appears to remove the ability for
extensibility by adding additional
SvcParams in the future?  That is a major feature and "selling point" of
HTTPS and SVCB records
(and is even why "mandatory" exists) so I would not be in-favor of a
proposal that removes the ability for future extensibility.

Best, Erik
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