
On 20 May 2021, at 19:59, Eric Orth wrote:

> A big selling point behind why we have client implementers planning to
> query HTTPS records is the expectation that this will be the only query
> type we will need to add and that it can be extended to handle any future
> information we need for establishing HTTPS connections (and we want
> mechanisms to be able to add stuff in the future to keep improving HTTPS
> connection behavior).  It is not practical to add too many additional DNS
> queries to make web requests, and nobody wants a
> deprecation/new-SVCB-based-record-type cycle every time we need to add
> something.  So in the end, I do not expect HTTPS would see much adoption
> without the extensibility.
I fully agree. The point I was making is that ECH sort of already is an
extension that were not in the original draft and there may be other
Enhancements in the future.

So long
Ralf Weber

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