On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 2:50 PM Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@icann.org> wrote:

> Are these still just idle ideas you are tossing out (as you indicated
> earlier), or meant to be serious proposals? If the latter, what is the
> significant improvement over the current draft? I ask because it feels like
> you are suggesting moving the inherent complexity of the semantics of SCVB
> around, but not noticeably reducing it overall. Unless there is a
> significant reduction in complexity, I don't see the value of grinding on
> this further. (I say this as someone who is not happy with the current
> level of complexity of the semantics, but don't see a way to reduce it.)
> --Paul Hoffman

It is meant to be a serious proposal.
The improvement is in the clarity and parse-ability of the HTTPS record in
zone file format, including reducing the complexity of the HTTPS-specific
semantics, without changing the actual wire format semantics or complexity
per se.

I'm working on the details of that, but it will necessarily be its own
work-in-progress. I hope to get something stable based on feedback... I
don't expect to get it 100% right on the first pass.

The first pass should hopefully illustrate the benefits at least, and
justify keeping list activity ongoing.

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