> On Feb 6, 2017, at 10:29 AM, Ólafur Gudmundsson <o...@ogud.com> wrote:
> Ted,
> What RFC are you referring to?
> Why do you think .ARPA is for services?
> It's for infrastructure and homenet wants to join the infrastructure.
> It is waste of time arguing if name A or B is better take the one you can get 
> faster.

The WG has considered the alternatives, and WG consensus is to specify 

- Ralph

> Ólafur
>> On February 5, 2017 10:22:35 PM CST, Ted Lemon <mel...@fugue.com> wrote:
>> The working group has consensus to give it a try.  We may change our minds 
>> of it takes too long, but it seems worth exploring from a process 
>> perspective anyway. 
>> On Feb 5, 2017 11:18 PM, "John R Levine" <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm pretty sure I've explained it enough times on this mailing list and in
>>>> the relevant documents by now. If you don't agree, maybe we should just
>>>> accept that. If you don't remember the explanation, it's in the homenet
>>>> naming architecture doc I wrote.
>>> Well, OK, I took another look, and from what I can see, it's a belief that 
>>> people will find toaster.homenet.arpa harder or more confusing to type than 
>>> toaster.homenet.
>>> Just out of curiosity, how long is it worth waiting to get .homenet rather 
>>> than .homenet.arpa?  If it took five more years, which at the current rate 
>>> seems optimistic, would homenet still be relevant?
>>> R's,
>>> John
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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