> On Apr 7, 2016, at 11:17 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzme...@nic.fr> wrote:
> draft-adpkja-dnsop-special-names-problem is full of FUD about how
> ICANN could be pissed off by a decision of the IETF to add 


That is certainly your right to read it that way, but it is not what the 
authors are saying, or at least not what they intended to say.
What draft-adpkja-dnsop-special-names-problem is doing is explaining that all 
names are subject to socio-economic pressures,
and ICANN has had to develop a complex process to evaluate those pressures and 
deal with them. That process may not be perfect, but it exists. 
ETF has no such process in place.

Alain, speaking only for myself.

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