(cc:s trimmed)

On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 04:16:02PM +0100, Christian Grothoff wrote:
> it's a Lex Facebook, just like reserving ".local" was a Lex Apple.  I'm not
> generally against those at all, but I personally dislike that IETF
> passes things
> quickly if they are backed by multi-billion dollar companies, while putting
> up high hurdles (and delays are obstacles) for proposals that are just
> as sound but do not come with such support.  Corporatocracy at its best.

I really have to object to this absurd claim.  RFC 6762 came out in
2013.  The -00 of the draft that became 6762 has a date on it of 2001.
It's hard to see 12 years as "quickly".

> Now, if Alec thinks there is anything in his draft that is not covered in
> our original draft,

That's not the problem with your original draft.  The problem with
your original draft is, as I've pointed out more than once, that it
treats a bunch of rather different cases as though they're the same.
They're different in detail, and therefore they ought to be split up
and processed independently.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan

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