> On 17 Mar 2015, at 10:55 pm, Alec Muffett <al...@fb.com> wrote:
>> How does the certificate "dead line" affect (non-)DNS for .onion?
> Permit me to quote Brad Hill:
> Quote: "The end date for the internal names loophole* is October - all
> public certs [which are issued] not for public namespaces MUST be revoked
> at that point. CAs can continue to issue up to that time, but they all
> must expire or be revoked on Oct 1, and no new ones issued. Those certs
> are really extremely dangerous, and [Brad has] been working for NINE YEARS
> now to make them go away. Can't happen soon enough.” <endquote/>

        More details on the dangers associated with these certificates in the 
context of an active gTLD expansion especially in ICANN SSAC document SSAC057
        As per that document, ICANN security team have been among the groups 
pressuring to have the local namespaces loophole closed for at least a couple 
of years now. And the problem has scuttled some gTLD applications that are 
regarded as too tainted by the issue already (e.g. .corp).

        I agree with Richard Barnes that the special purpose behaviour of 
.onion always returning an NXDOMAIN where possible to prevent information 
leakage is enough to justify its inclusion on the Special-Use List. While it 
will be difficult to update all resolver implementations everywhere it 
shouldn’t be hard to achieve significant compliance (can’t you implement this 
requirement with a very small amount of RPZ config?), and thus significant 
mitigation of the information leakage issue can be achieved.
        I’m generally in favour of this proposal.


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