On 3/17/15 4:20 PM, Alec Muffett wrote:

Before this discussion becomes derailed by discussion of the strategies of
the contents of other proposals, I would like to round this discussion
back to the matter of the draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-00.txt document:

Christian’s response clearly distinguishes the separateness of Jake & my
document "draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-00.txt” from his

I believe this clearly answers the question that Paul Wouters raised in
his first response.  The two are separate enterprises.

In my previous e-mail I have outlined the goals of
“draft-appelbaum-dnsop-onion-tld-00.txt” and will happily address any
further questions.

May I please request approval to post to the list in order to respond to
any further questions? I am a newbie to DNSOP and am unsure whether,
having subscribed and responded to one submission confirmation, whether
this means my future posts will be automatically approved.  I guess that
I’m about to find out.

     - alec


By subscribing to the list, you've got approval to post, as long as you follow common sense, which is documented in the "Note Well" documents:


This whole discussion is actually useful, and the working group chairs (myself and Suzanne) just wrapped up a call with Joel (our amazingly wonderful Area Director for those following along at home) and while we will discuss these in Dallas, time is tight and we have a direction which we will share later today.


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